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1910 or 1911 T206 - Buck Herzog

The T206 cards appeared in a variety of cigarette packs from 1909-1911. The back of the card featured a graphic of the brand of cigarettes with which it came, and information on the set of cards the card belonged to. This Buck Herzog comes from 1910 or 1911. It was the first T206 I ever owned. You can see that it is in bad shape. The motivation for purchasing such a ragged card was to use it in a trade idea I was hatching. On the back you can see it is from the Old Mill brand. The back damage made a funny accident out of the words. Turns out that this bit of juvenile comedy was a big help in forging a remarkable path for old Buck. In 2011, 100 years after this card was made, I offered this card in a chain-trade scenario whereby the new owner would take a photo of the card and then trade Buck on to someone else with the same instructions. Early traders took the idea and ran with it, taking photos of Buck in landmark locations and coordinating with others where he should go next. Buck quickly became a world traveller, showing up in photos as far away as Sri Lanka, Alaska, and Cappadocia. And he has been photographed with famous athletes and coaches. Someday I'll put together a nice album of all the places Buck has been. He is still traveling, though not quite as vigorously as he was ten years ago.

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